Computer Accounts - Physics and Astronomy Skip to main content

Computer Accounts

Obtaining Access to Department Resources

Access to Department Resources is managed through your university account. This means that when you enroll in a Physics or Astronomy course, you will be granted logon permissions for the semester or term that you're enrolled.

To login to a computer, enter your BYU NetID in the username field, your password in the password field. Additionally access can be granted if any of the following applies to you:

  • You are declared as any physics or astronomy major or minor
  • You are a member of a department research or support group
  • You have been granted a special exemption

Available Department Resources

ESC N212 has twenty workstations and may be used when class is not in session students may also use the Major Study room N363. The door codes for these rooms can be obtained from Margaret Ludlow in ESC N284 or submit an access request form.

Students enrolled at BYU also have access to BOX and OneDrive which should be used to store school files related to academic pursuits. These files can be accessed from any computer in the labs using box drive or OneDrive.

It is strongly recommended that students always save important files to box, or any other online storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive, or to their own removable media as the lab computers may be reimaged without notice. Additionally it is strongly encouraged that students add a second, non-byu email address to their Box account so that they may retain read access to their data after graduation.

Research Group Specific Accounts

Many research groups have access to specialized compute resources. Access to those resources can be obtained with permission from the faculty members leading the research groups. Contact the specific research group leader for instructions on how to obtain access.


If you need access to a department resource, but do not meet the criteria for automatic inclusion then contact the IT Support Office in N337. You will need a department member to confirm your request before the IT Support office will create an exception.